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Liquid Crystal Displays
Liquid Crystal Displays

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320 x 160 LCD Graphics module, FSTN, transflective, positive mode, 6 o'clock viewingangle, UC1698U driver IC, white LED backlight, as per approved specifications and drawings320 X 160 FSTN Graphics Module LCDDLC320160BFWG13/08/2025
102 x 64 Custom LCD module transflective FSTN positive mode 9.6VDC yellow/green LED backlightFPC connection 6 oclock viewing angle COG -10c to +70c operating temperature range 1.6mm PCBclips102x64 LCD Graphics ModuleGDC10264A1-FSY-FBW18/06/2025
102 x 64 Custom LCD module transflective FSTN positive mode 9.6VDC yellow/green LED backlightFPC connection 6 oclock viewing angle COG -10c to +70c operating temperature range102x64 LCD Graphics ModuleGDC10264A-FSY-FBW18/06/2025
120x64 FSTN COG Custom LCD display, 6 oclock viewing direction, transflective, positive mode,3.3V logic, ST7565P controller, COG+FPC connection, LED backlight (yellow green)120x64 FSTN COG LCD Graphics ModuleGDC12064A-FSY-FBW369
Custom LCD Display, 128 x 128 resolution, 6 o'clock viewing direction, transflective, positivemode, white LED backlight, ST7571 driver IC (COG), customised frame for PCB mounting, 24-pin FPC, asper approved drawings and approved samples128 x 128 LCD Graphics ModuleGDC128128A-FSW-FBW18/06/2025
Display LCD 128x32.0.6 COG FPC128 x 32 LCD Graphics ModuleGDC12832C-FSW-FBW18/06/2025
128x64 FSTN COG Custom LCD display, 6 oclock viewing direction, transflective, positive mode,3.3V logic, ST7565P controller, COG+FPC connection,LED backlight (yellow green)128x64 FSTN COG LCD Graphics ModuleGDC12864A-FSY-FBW18/06/2025
128x64 Custom LCD 75mm x 50mm positive mode transflective 6 oclock viewing angle 3.0V supplyvoltage operating temperature range -20c to +70c128x64 LCD Graphics ModuleGDC12864AK18/06/2025
128x64 FSTN COG Custom LCD display, 6 oclock viewing direction, transflective, positive mode,3.3V logic, ST7565P controller, COG+FPC connection,LED backlight (yellow green)128x64 FSTN COG LCD Graphics ModuleGDC12864Z-FSY-FBW72
240 x 64 Custom LCD module FSTN transflective polariser positive mode 6 oclock viewing angleST7565P driver IC (x 2) COG and FPC (29-pin) white LED backlight240x64 LCD Graphics ModuleGDC24064B-FSW-FBW1
8x2 STN Blue character module LCD 5x8 dot characters +5VDC power supply transmissivenegative mode 6 oclock viewing angle white LED backlight ST7066U driver IC -20c to +70coperating temperature range8x2 STN Blue Character ModuleGDM0802J-NSW-BBW18/06/2025
8x2 STN Blue character module LCD, 5x8 dot characters, +5VDC power supply, transmissive,matte front polariser, negative mode, 6 o'clock viewing angle, white LED backlight, ST7066U driverIC, -20c to +70c operating temperature range8x2 STN Blue Character Module - MatteGDM0802J-NSW-BBW-M18/06/2025
8x2 STN Gray character LCD module, 5x8 dot matrix characters, reflective, positive mode, +5VDC powersupply, 6 o'clock viewing angle, ST7066U-0A driver IC, 16pin dual row pin header fitter with 8mmtotal standoff height, -20c to +70c operating temperature range8x2 STN Gray Character ModuleGDM0802J-RN-GBW-P18/06/2025
120 x 32 LCD Module negative mode FSTN black transmissive 12 oclock viewing angle white LEDbacklight WIDE operating temperature range AX6120D controller120x32 LCD Graphics ModuleGDM12032B-NSW-FTW18/06/2025
128x64 Dot matrix LCD display NT7108 driver 5VDC FSTN 6 oclock viewing angle yellow greenbacklight128x64 Dot Matrix LCD DisplayGDM12864A-FL-FBW18/06/2025
128x64 Dot Matrix LCD Display STN Yellow/green with yellow/green LED backlight128x64 Dot Matrix LCD DisplayGDM12864A-FL-YBW18/06/2025
16 x 1 LCD Character module, 5x8 character size, FSTN, positive display mode, transflectivepolariser, 6 o'clock viewing angle, +5VDC operating voltage, ST7066U-0A controller, Neoprenefoam bordered LCD window, machined pin interface headers, white LED backlightLCD Character Module, 16 x 1, BacklightGDM1601M-FSW-FBW-P/Z4.618/06/2025
16 x 1 LCD Character module, 5x8 character size, HTN, positive display mode, reflective polariser,6 o'clock viewing angle, +5VDC operating voltage, ST7066U controller, Neoprene foam bordered LCDwindow, machined pin interface headersLCD Character Module, 16 x 1GDM1601M-RN-HBW-P18/06/2025
16x1 FSTN Large character LCD module, 6x8 dot matrixcharacters, +5VDC power supply, transflective, positive mode, 6 o'clock viewing angle, white LEDbacklight, ST7066U driver IC, -20c to +70c operating temperature range16x1 FSTN Large Character ModuleGDM1601P-FSW-FBW18/06/2025
16x2 STN Yellow/green character module LCD, 5x8 dot characters, +5VDC, transflective, positivemode, 6 o'clock viewing angle, yellow/green LED backlight, ST7066U driver IC, -20c to +70coperating temperature range16x2 STN Yellow LCD Character ModuleGDM1602B9-FSYG-YBW-Z618/06/2025
40 x 2 Character STN LCD Display, 5x8 character size, transflective, positive mode, 6 o'clockviewing direction, +5.0V operating voltage, yellow/greenLED backlight, as per approved drawings and samples - VERSION "B"

IMPORTANT NOTE: J1 to be soldered for bezel ground connection.40x2 Character STN LCD Display - Ver BGDM4002D-FL-YBW18/06/2025

Showing 1 - 21 of 21 Results

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