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12V 12Ah VRLA Battery

  • Availability:4/05/2025
Price breaks
  • Qty 1+ : $41.05
  •   5+ : $32.84
  •   10+ : $31.58
  •   50+ : $30.79
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[T:Description] The 12V 12Ah Sealed Lead Acid VRLA Battery is a professional-grade quality, high reliability design, with a 12-Month Original manufacturers quality and performance guarantee. It is built with super heavy-duty grid with high-performance plates and electrolyte, and has a 180A maximum discharge current, making it perfect for a variety of uses. [BR] [BR] It features an ABS (UL94-HB) case with a -20c to +50c operating temperature range, and low self-discharge performance for long life. This makes it perfect for use in alarm systems (fire and security), children's electric cars and toys, RV applications, power tools, motorcycle starting, motorised golf trundlers, marine equipment, kontiki, UPS, back-up power supplies, and medical equipment. [BR] [BR] Get your 12V 12Ah Sealed Lead Acid VRLA Battery today for a dependable, reliable power solution at an unbeatable price. [T:Tech Specs] Nominal voltage: 12V 12Ah [BR] Type: VRLA Battery [BR] Dimensions: 151mm (L) x 98mm (W) x 95mm (H) [BR] Terminals: F2 Tab Terminals (6.35mm QC type) [BR] Weight: 3.6KG [BR] Additional: ABS (UL94-HB) case, 180A maximum discharge current, -20c to +50c operating temperature range, Safety approvals: IEC60896-21/22, JIS C8704, YD/T799, BS6290:4, GB/T 19638, UL1989. [T:Uses:] [UL]- Home Alarms - Security Systems - Backup Power - Toys - Agricultural - Kontiki/Long Line Fishing - Camping - Consumer Devices - Tools -Torches[/UL]

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