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20W/40W Post Mount Solar Panel Bracket

  • Availability:46
Price breaks
  • Qty 1+ : $55.29
  •   2+ : $53.85
  •   5+ : $51.83
  •   10+ : $50.57
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[T:Description] Introducing the 20W/40W Post Mount [L:Solar Panel(] Bracket. This top-of-the-line bracket is designed to securely attach a solar panel to a pole up to 100mm in diameter. It is constructed from high-grade aluminium for superior strength and durability, making it a great choice for long-lasting outdoor installations. [BR] [BR] The [L:mounting bracket(] is adjustable from 0 to 60 degrees, allowing you to angle the panel for maximum efficiency based on the sun’s location throughout the day. It features a low-profile design, so wind resistance is minimised. [BR] [BR] You’ll also love the included [L:mounting hardware(], which makes installation easy and straightforward. Please note, that this bracket does not include the solar panel or cabling. [BR] [BR] It is designed to work with WSP1820-5 20W solar panels and WSP1840-3 40W solar panels and is the perfect choice for anyone looking to add solar panel functionality to a post-mounted pole. [T:Tech Specs] Material: Aluminium [BR] Pole Diameters: 60mm to 100mm [T:Uses] [UL]- Camping - Off-Grid Projects - Council Projects - Remote Monitoring[/UL]

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